What's happening at The Lunduke Journal in June?
Plus a recap of what happened during May (spoiler: a lot).
This last month at The Lunduke Journal has a been a blast. Here’s a quick recap of what has happened during May (and the month isn’t even over yet):
42 Articles (on Linux, computer history, the works)
10 Podcast episodes
12 Exclusive videos (including Linux Sucks 2022)
4 Comics
Here’s a quick sneak peak at some of what is being worked on for June:
To start with — and this kinda goes without saying — more articles. Lots and lots of articles (on Linux, alternative OS’s, computer history, and more). Plus… More podcast episodes. More exclusive videos. More of everything that The Lunduke Journal does!
Also… games. During this next month, The Lunduke Journal is going to have a little extra emphasis on video games. Very, very nerdy (and nostalgic) ones.
The Lunduke Journal Shell Playground
During the month of June, we’re planning to launch “The Lunduke Journal Shell Playground” — a unique shell account where folks can log in (via SSH) and play a wide variety of command line games (ranging from classic titles from old UNIX systems… all the way through newer titles built for Linux).
Including games like AsciiSector…
And Cataclysm…
Plus a whole bunch more. And because they’re all tied to your unique user account, you can SSH in on your laptop to play a few rounds… then SSH in from your Android phone later on to pick up right where you left off.
This will be an exclusive perk for Lunduke Journal subscribers. So make sure you have your subscription!
New Games at The House of Lunduke BBS
The House of Lunduke BBS has been running for several years — and has been a great way to play a handful of classic BBS games.
Well, during June we’re adding a whole mountain worth of classic BBS games — thus turning The House of Lunduke BBS into a playable museum of BBS gaming from the 1980s and 1990s!
The House of Lunduke is free to use for absolutely everyone… with a 30 minute per day limit. Subscribers to The Lunduke Journal can get a free upgrade to 24x7, unlimited BBS access. Just follow the directions on the BBS page and you’ll be all set to play as many BBS games as your heart desires!
Lunduke's Quest
Lunduke’s Quest is a new game — made in the style of the classic Lucas Arts and Sierra adventure games — playable on Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, Haiku OS, AmigaOS, and anywhere else that has a modern port of ScummVM.
Lunduke’s Quest is nearing completion and — if all goes according to plan — will be released (as an exclusive to all Lunduke Journal paid subscribers) in the coming weeks!
The game is in the home stretch now, in final testing and bug fixing mode. (It could always slip, as game development schedules so often do, but the confidence level is currently pretty high.)
Super psyched to get this one out there. Really proud of this game. Also… so many nerdy dad jokes!
More Live Events!
In the coming days the schedule for two upcoming, live streamed events will be announced. Big live shows and opportunities to hang out with the community! Much fun will be had by all! More on that soon.
Thank You, Subscribers!
All of you Lunduke Journal subscribers have made this possible!
To the subscribers here on Substack as well as Locals and Patreon: You are all amazing. I couldn’t do this without you.
Any chance of putting this game on the Shell or BBS?