10 Stories that Rocked the Tech Industry in 2021
From the Apple App Store to Bill Gates' poop, it's been a pretty nutty year.
2021 was a wild, turbulent year in the Tech Industry. What follows are 10 of the most turbulent-y-est Tech News stories to break during the year. Each of which is probably going to blow your mind.
Mozilla to reduce Firefox memory usage to less than 14 GB per tab
Senators unveil "AOL for all" legislation
Google announces 17 new chat services
C programming language removes racist semicolon
Apple bans "whimsy" from iOS App Store
Man tweets: "I am concerned about privacy" from always connected pocket surveillance device
Facebook launches Virtual Reality "Waiting in line at the DMV"
Seattle Tech Company announces "Crypto-As-A-Service via 5G"
Internet definitely, totally destroyed by lack of Net Neutrality legislation
Bonus News Story
Bill Gates announces new project: Turn poop into Taquitos
Want to know something crazy? Every single one of those stories broke first, right here, on The Lunduke Journal. Bonkers, right?
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