The Lunduke Journal continues to expand!
New (nerdy) publications! New benefits for subscribers!
The Lunduke Journal is about to become 3 publications!
What started as “The Lunduke Journal of Technology” is slowly expanding into a small family of (extremely nerdy) publications.
The second publication, “The Lunduke Journal of Conservative Nerdiness” launched earlier this month — the only place in The Lunduke Journal world that “gets political” — and has been far more successful that I could have hoped for.
As February begins, the third (and final) publication in The Lunduke Journal family is set to be launched — thus completing, what I have nicknamed, “The Triforce of Nerdiness”.
Three, very nerdy publications. All of them being family friendly, and all providing a steady stream of high quality articles and podcasts. But each having a distinctly different and unique focus.
The name and details around the third publication — which, I’m not going to lie, makes me smile in a big way — will be announced on February 1st… along with the full launch of the publication. You won’t be able to miss it.
Bonus: All Founding Member and Lifetime Subscribers will have full access to all three publications. If you don’t have a Founding Membership yet… get that. It is quickly becoming the best value in the nerdy world.
Growing collection of benefits for Lunduke Journal subscribers
The number of perks and goodies for subscribers is, likewise, growing by leaps and bounds.
Obviously, the Founding Members get full access to three — completely different — publications. (Seriously. You want a Founding Membership. You just do.)
In addition, starting this week, all subscribers to The Lunduke Journal of Technology now get the opportunity to influence the editorial direction of some of the articles and podcasts!
Each week, I will ask all of you for what topics you would like to see covered — history, news, reviews, opinions, etc. — and then all subscribers will get to vote for their favorites. The top two will be made into articles or podcast episodes! (The rest of the week will remain under the control of the Lunduke Editorial Board (tm) as always.)
Here’s a quick rundown of the benefits currently available:
Benefits for Standard (Monthly or Yearly) subscribers to all three publications:
Full access to all exclusive articles and podcasts, on that publication (with new exclusives every week).
Access to whichever site you subscribe on (Locals or Substack) for one publication.
Standard Monthly/Yearly subscriptions are on a per publication and per site basis.
Access to The Lunduke Journal Discord Chat Server.
Benefits for Standard (Monthly or Yearly) subscribers specific to The Lunduke Journal of Technology:
DRM-Free, monthly PDF magazine.
A dozen, DRM-Free eBooks (and growing).
A (growing) catalog of premium videos (including interviews and classic shows).
Access to live video events (such as “Linux Sucks”, “macOS Sucks” and other irregular, big events).
Weekly votes on a couple of the article and podcast topics.
Benefits for Founding Member (Yearly) & Lifetime subscribers:
All of the Standard subscription benefits for all publications.
Full access to both Locals and Substack.
Including (optional) full access to all Lunduke Journal publications.
Monthly video hangouts with Lunduke & other Founding / Lifetime subscribers.
Seriously. The Founding Membership is an amazing deal. A single yearly membership with a massive discount over the Standard Monthly subscription. Basically you get absolutely everything in the Lunduke Journal world… for less money than just a few pieces.
Hey Lunduke! I’ve got questions!
Well… ask ‘em!
Q: “What is this new, third publication?”
That will remain a secret until February 1st! But I will say this…
It is extremely nerdy.
It is very family friendly.
It consists of both articles and podcasts.
Despite that, it is very, very different from either of the other two Lunduke Journal publications (no computers… no politics…). It is something that will scratch a very particular (nerdy) itch for me… and provide me (personally) with tremendous amounts of joy. I hope it will do the same for all of you.
Q: “Does this mean less content for The Lunduke Journal of Technology?”
No, sir! Over the last year I have done a great deal of experimenting and work to answer two very important questions. 1) How much (high quality) content (articles, podcasts, etc.) I can produce during a reasonable work-week and still find joy in producing it all? And 2) How much content is the optimal amount to publish, on a singular publication, in any given week for all of you (what is too little, what is too much, etc.)?
I have answered those questions to my satisfaction — and determined that the optimal number of distinct publications for me to write and record podcasts for is… 3.
Going forward the amount (and quality) of what you have seen from The Lunduke Journal of Technology will remain consistent.
Q: “Three publications?! Will there be more?! How about 4? Or 5?!”
No. Three is the number. And the number is three.
There are three lights. There are not more. No matter what Gul Madred says.
Q: “What if I’m only interested in two of the publications?”
Cool beans! Having three different publications — with three different nerdy focuses — means you can choose to only subscribe to and see the type of articles and podcasts that you enjoy!
I still recommend the Founding Member option. A solid deal even if you only are interested in two of the three publications. One year, a whole bunch of sites, all at a discount. It is… so choice.
I'm guessing something Star Trek related. 😎