Linux, Alternative OS, & Retro Computing News - Aug 20, 2022
Debian, GNOME, Apple I, & John Deere DOOM
It’s Saturday! Which means we get to talk about the most awesome-est news stories of the week. The nerdy stuff. But, more importantly, the fun nerdy stuff. Alternative OS’s, Linux, retro computing, and the like.
Some big Linux-y anniversaries this week
Debian is celebrating its 29th birthday. And GNOME is celebrating its 25th birthday.
It’s wild to think that both GNOME and Debian are over a quarter of a century old at this point. Even wilder to think that I’ve been using both for almost as long.
Happy birthday to both projects!
Just for kicks, here’s an article from The Linux Journal — published back in the year 2000 (22 years ago, when GNOME was just 3 years old) — on the “State and Future of GNOME”. Fascinating to see how much has changed since then.
Apple I prototype sells for $677,196
Holy smokes! This 1976 prototype board for the Apple I just sold, at auction, for $677 thousand smack-a-roonies. The buyer wished to remain anonymous.
“Nobody must know I own this piece of computing history! It must remain my secret! Mwahahaha” - The buyer, probably
ManHero hacks John Deere tractor to run DOOMMost of you will probably already have seen this… but I’m including it here. Because it is simply too much fun.
A man (known as “SickCodes” has hacked a John Deere tractor computer… and loaded it up with a modified version of DOOM… which has a tractor riding / corn farming theme. Which is adorable.
“For anyone who wants the technicals:
This took months
CPU is NXP imx6
OS is Wind River Linux 8
Model John Deere 4240
The weird graphical artifacts are just Yocto/QT quirks n 3D transparency stuff
John Deere’s X window display server is g6wm
Everything runs as root”
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Monday - Computer History
Tuesday - Computer & Linux Satire
Wednesday - Podcast (Subscriber Exclusive)
Thursday - Computer History (Subscriber Exclusive)
Friday - Wildcard day! Anything goes!
Saturday - Linux, Alternative OS, & Retro Computer News Article
Sunday - Linux, Alternative OS, & Retro Computer News Podcast