… it means the next one is XXXI!
Hey! Look behind you!
ctrl-c ctrl-v
500 Rust Evangelists appear. Wait. Am I allowed to say “Rust” still? Tab is the A.I. of champions. Jedi Master Sam Jackson is judging you. He’s not holding down any keys in the picture. I feel like I’ve been lied to. Other than leaving out the “Get bored and start a different project” this is pretty complete. There’s no way this is real. Every man knows Nano is better than Vim. No need to even think about it. lol. Oh, Arch! You and your slowly updated rolling releases! I haven’t used Safari in years. No clue if this is true or not. But I laughed anyway. I wish that… wait… does that say “Skeleton”? Is that like “Skeletor + Peleton”? That… sounds kinda awesome. He needs to open a socket. This A.I. is more useful than most. There. I said it. Share
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