Oh man, early IBM PCs and compatibles make some of the best boot up sounds ever. The sounds of a Model F or Model M? Best darn keyboard noises ever. The only downside to computer noises is that my parents knew when I was trying to sneak and play a game after lights out.

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Oh yeah, I loved the awesome floppy disk sounds.


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The PC AT is good for my Tinnitus

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Yep, same with old cars: they have an individual smell, like a person. Modern ones are all the same, too fresh, too new, too plastic... In the old ones you could smell something organic, like if the car was a sweating animal with multiple rotting animals inside... Also the doors today are engineered to have a specific sound when you close them, before it was a random and louder result. Good old days...

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This has compelled me to record my Gateway laptop booting.

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