This is insane, unenforceable, and stupid! When deciding what language I might want to hack on for a weekend, a big deciding factor is the openness of that language. Rust, from the Rust Foundation, deciding what I can do with Rust, makes the taste so sour and unpalatable that I'll never touch it. Granted, that is exactly what the Rust Foundation wants! They want to turn the community against itself, so they can band together with other stupid community policies, in a pseudo stupid community policy megazord.
Did I mention the Rust Foundation, fully agrees with my views? Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust. He's a Rust logo {R}.
This is actually more stupid than the “no virtual hugs” policy, which I'm sure is coming next to Rust {R}, from the Rust Foundation, (They agree with that view also)
Oh, and tomorrow I'll be making with a hello world Rust program on it, so watch out :)
Right as I was becoming willing to learn this superfluous and purposeless language, this. I guess now I am just explicitly anti-rust... this kind of litigation stance is just a big... NOPE.
In a few years CHERI will turn Rust into a niche boutique language. Also it will be one that will have viable alternatives in the face of Vale, Jakt, Pony and other newer and probably saner languages.
This is so backasswards it's hilarious. By that logic, you can't even have a job market, because you wouldn't be able to list an opportunity looking specifically for Rust developers, nor receive applicant resumes with references to Rust without having a disclaimer.
God damnit, please don't make me rewrite all my work in C++.
Thank you, Brian, for illuminating me on the fact that a majority of people in the tech industry are of that peculiar group that call themselves the "left wing" in US. Without prior knowledge of such facts I would be astonished to find things like the "Geekfeminism Code of Conduct" on the official website of a window manager of all things.
No. The Linux Foundation is a separate corporate entity and per their rules this would be prohibited unless he first stated that his message was in no way endorsed by the Rust Foubdation.
This is insane, unenforceable, and stupid! When deciding what language I might want to hack on for a weekend, a big deciding factor is the openness of that language. Rust, from the Rust Foundation, deciding what I can do with Rust, makes the taste so sour and unpalatable that I'll never touch it. Granted, that is exactly what the Rust Foundation wants! They want to turn the community against itself, so they can band together with other stupid community policies, in a pseudo stupid community policy megazord.
Did I mention the Rust Foundation, fully agrees with my views? Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust, Rust. He's a Rust logo {R}.
This is actually more stupid than the “no virtual hugs” policy, which I'm sure is coming next to Rust {R}, from the Rust Foundation, (They agree with that view also)
Oh, and tomorrow I'll be making with a hello world Rust program on it, so watch out :)
Right as I was becoming willing to learn this superfluous and purposeless language, this. I guess now I am just explicitly anti-rust... this kind of litigation stance is just a big... NOPE.
In a few years CHERI will turn Rust into a niche boutique language. Also it will be one that will have viable alternatives in the face of Vale, Jakt, Pony and other newer and probably saner languages.
This is so backasswards it's hilarious. By that logic, you can't even have a job market, because you wouldn't be able to list an opportunity looking specifically for Rust developers, nor receive applicant resumes with references to Rust without having a disclaimer.
God damnit, please don't make me rewrite all my work in C++.
Thank you, Brian, for illuminating me on the fact that a majority of people in the tech industry are of that peculiar group that call themselves the "left wing" in US. Without prior knowledge of such facts I would be astonished to find things like the "Geekfeminism Code of Conduct" on the official website of a window manager of all things.
Can Linus talk about Rust in the Kernel?
No. The Linux Foundation is a separate corporate entity and per their rules this would be prohibited unless he first stated that his message was in no way endorsed by the Rust Foubdation.
We'll just call them Crusty IDEs instead of Rust ones.
"Crusty, the IDE for that language which must not be named"