Last weekend we kicked off “LundukeFest” with a live recording of “Linux Sucks 2022” — the recorded version of which is available to all Lunduke Journal subscribers (and separately purchasable).
It was a blast. If you missed it, definitely grab the recording.
Looking ahead to Part 2 of the LundukeFest festivities, we’ve hit a snag: The legendary Linux journalist, Matt Hartley, will not be able to join us as planned. He’s dealing with multiple family members having serious health issues — and he needs to focus on taking care of himself and his family. (We love ya, Hartley! We’re all rooting for ya!)
After conferring with members of the Lunduke Journal community, I’ve decided on a good way forward for LundukeFest:
We’ll be bringing in two guests to help fill in for Hartley (because Hartley is a force of nature).
Those guests will be joining me for the final show of the day… and possibly for one additional show.
The final schedule is still being hammered out — I hope to be able to announce exact date and time details in the next few days.
Stay tuned! This’ll be worth the wait!
Chris Titus?