You just made my day :-D

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I do what I can. ;)

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You are right about the stupidity of the comments of people used to proprietary software regarding GNU. You can reverse those comments and they make more sense. They same applies to Steve Ballmer's argument "Linux is cancer." Proprietary software in your device prevents you not only to use it as you like (playing any DVD for example) if also prevents you from replacing it. The device might not boot anymore when you changed the software. Also there is a system running all the time that the user has no idea of and cannot control (Intel ME and AMD PSP). And they won't sell you parts for your smartphone and tractor. If you mysteriously got hold of a part you need to replace you couldn't exchange the parts as the machine would refuse to work with the perfectly functional new part. To reverse engineer or to offer a service helping those in need is illegal or they are on it to make it illegal. And I didn't even go into the surveillance of proprietary software and the prohibition to sell your device within a certain time span.

Your car now has to report to the government how much fuel you used. Tesla is the worst: not giving you a feature you paid for because they don't like the way you drive. And removing the options you paid for when you sell your car so the new owner has to purchase them again from Tesla. That's outrageous!

So since people are getting used to proprietary software more and more they are willing to accept more and more perversion.

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Haha, this is so my experience! I installed Windows 10 for one of my children and I can't help but to wonder how anyone can use that OS 😂 At least back in Win2K settings were easy to find and the OS didn't require me to give them email address and right to spy on me during installation process!

And geez, installing those drivers... What is this, early 2000s?

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Laughing my butt out xD

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