DevOps thrown out in favor of DevTesJanOps.
DevOps takes ultimate form as "Developer + Tester + Janitor + Operations".
The CEOs of the world’s largest Computer Software companies have issued a joint statement declaring that “DevOps” is officially being retired, in favor of the new “DevTesJanOps” role.
“The concept of DevOps has served us well for several years,” stated one CEO. “It allowed us to combine together two high paying jobs — Developers and Operations / SysAdmins — into one role… without paying that role any extra in salary! We saved a small fortune! But we knew we could do even better.”
The new DevTesJanOps role will add “Software Tester” duties to existing DevOps jobs, thus eliminating the need for dedicated Quality Assurance positions.
“We also added Janitorial duties,” said a CEO. “That was a stroke of genius. I think Microsoft’s Satya Nadella came up with that one. All of us CEOs were gathered at our annual ski retreat and Satya was all like ‘Since they’re doing everything else… let’s make them scrub the toilets too’. We all laughed and laughed. Brilliant. We just had to do it.”
The first “DevTesJanOps Conference” has already been scheduled for next spring — with session tracks on “Carpet Stain Removal”, “Kitchen Cleaning”, “Not Complaining”, and “Kubernetes”. Tickets to the conference start at $2,500.
That, right there is satire. OR IS IT?! (It is. For now.) Hey. You should probably share this with people. Sharing is caring.
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