What would you do if you owned Lunduke for one hour?
(Ok. Not "owned". But... a video chat. And you can do whatever you want with the recording of it. That's kinda similar... right?)
Earlier today, we set a highly ambitious goal: to hit all of The Lunduke Journal’s subscriber and revenue goals for the entire month of May… in one day.
A crazy goal, I know. But we actually did pretty well! A few hours of live streaming later and — WHAM-O! — we’re over 55% of the way there! Not too shabby!
Huge thank you to all of you who hung out and supported the work I do today. Couldn’t do any of this without you nerds!
About the “One Hour Video Chat”…
While chatting on today’s live streams, a thought struck me:
There’s one “fancy-pants perk” of subscribing to The Lunduke Journal that we haven’t really spent time talking (or thinking) about: The “Video Chat with Lunduke for One Hour” perk.
That perk was put in the top tier of the “Founding Member” subscription option… and, without really thinking about it, I set the price at $500. Why was that amount chosen? Because it is a big round number. That is, quite literally, the entire thought process behind it.
First off… that price is just too darn high. I’m dropping it down to $300. Far more reasonable. It won’t drop any lower than that (for oh-so-many reasons). But, at $300, it becomes a reasonable (if a bit extravagant) thing to do.
Which begs the question… what would you do if you had a one hour video chat (with Lunduke) where you own the full rights to the resulting video recording?
I don’t expect many people to jump at this. It is a premium thing, after all. But I can think of some highly amusing ways to use the time. (And a few practical and productive ways as well.)
Here’s some ideas that I (and a few Lunduke Journal subscribers) came up with for how to use a one hour video chat:
Have Lunduke troubleshoot your Xorg configuration (and likely fail, but tell dad jokes along the way).
Interview Lunduke for your YouTube Channel.
Have Lunduke come up with a marketing campaign for your new software project (put that “open source marketing executive” experience to good use).
Give Lunduke something to read. He reads real good-like.
Talk about obscure computing platforms. Or maybe the meaning of life. (Trick question… they’re the same thing.)
Tell each other dad jokes. For a solid hour.
Get advice on running a publication or podcast.
Have Lunduke code review the work of your team (mostly by using dad jokes).
Linux user therapy session (tell Lunduke what that mean old operating system did and how it made you sad).
Force Lunduke to say nice things about Gentoo. For an entire hour.
Just some ideas. Please. Nobody ask me to do #10.
One important rule to keep in mind: I keep things family friendly. No exceptions.
If you want to do it, here’s how:
On Substack:
Go to the Lunduke.Substack.com subscription page. Select “Founding Member” and enter $300 in the field. If you don’t want to renew at that rate next year, be sure to come back and modify the subscription amount.
On Locals:
Go to the Lunduke.Locals.com support page. Select “Give Once” and enter the amount.
Note: If you would like to do this some other way (such as a combination of the different platforms and options), feel free to just reach out to me. I’m pretty easy going.
I think I am going to do this...some time in early July .. (I'm about to leave for a month+ long in patient addiction rehab stay...which is not relevant, except for the timeframe.)
I'll have plenty of time to mull oce what I want to subject Lunduke to!