ManaGeR - The forgotten UNIX Window System of the 1980s
Lightweight, open source, and portable -- with versions for Mac, Atari, and a whole slew of UNIX's.
In 1984 a windowing system was created for UNIX.
And, no. I’m not talking about X Windows (which was also created in 1984, as a heavily modified fork of W).
No, sir-e-bot! I’m talking about… MGR.
“Say what, now?” you ask. “MGWhat? Never heard of it.”
M. G. R.
Buckle up. Because this little windows system is pretty darn interesting.
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For God's sake! Michael C. Widerkrantz ( has a GEEK CODE!
Just so you know... talking about old graphical systems... the NetBSD changelog says this just happened:
support for wsfb-based X11 servers on the Commodore Amiga