Linux Tycoon 3 comes to Android & Gameboy (seriously)
Because who doesn't want a Linux distro simulator in their pocket?
I've got a very fun -- and very out-of-left-field -- announcement to make:
Linux Tycoon 3 has been ported to, and is about to be released for, Android and Gameboy
Which means Linux Tycoon 3 now runs on:
I know. It's ridiculous. But it's also awesome.
To celebrate, I'm releasing every game in the Linux Tycoon family as part of one big "Mega Bundle" over on for $12.
That's $12 for the public. For Lunduke Journal subscribers (on, I'm adding a discount of 42% (because... well... you know why I chose that number). Which makes it work out to... a little less than $7.
Sorry I can't make it completely free for Lunduke Journal subscribers. I gave away some past versions... But I put so much time into the Android and Gameboy versions (and some new updates to the DOS / Linux versions) that... well... a guy's gotta eat! ;) I figure the least I can do is knock it down to almost half price for all of you amazing nerds to be able to get the Android and Gameboy versions.
See this post for a link and coupon code to get that discount.
If you don't have a Lunduke Journal subscription... maybe grab one? Then you get the discount too, even if you just subscribe for one month. Good frugal thinkin', eh?
The Android version is a standard .APK file that you can install without the Google Play Store. And the Gameboy version is a single ROM file (that most of you will probably use in an emulator... but will also work on a flash cart).
The rest of the versions are already released and available for download.
There's more than just the new game releases...
While most of you know me because of my videos, podcasts, or articles... before I embarked on my current career... I was a programmer.
With a number of those years spent at game companies.
And, as much as I absolutely love being a Tech Journalist (or whatever you want to call this crazy job I have) -- and I really, really do love it -- sometimes I still get the itch to do some coding. Especially on games.
This project -- which has been slowly rolling for a long, long time now (especially the Gameboy version) -- has allowed me the chance to scratch that itch.
Along the way, I've been slowly documenting the journey.
Over the next couple weeks I will be publishing my Developer Journal for a all releases of Linux Tycoon 3 (including the Android, Gameboy, and Linux/DOS versions) here on The Lunduke Journal. Details on what tools and languages I used, how I went about the development, issues faced... that sort of thing.
While I don't expect these articles to go viral on the Inter-Tubes... I find it all pretty interesting. And I'm betting a number of you will as well.
The first Developer Journal published will be for Linux Tycoon 3 for Linux & DOS. Followed by the Gameboy Dev Journal (which will be accompanied by the simultaneous release of the Gameboy ROM)... then the Android Journal and .APK release.
The Linux Tycoon Mega Bundle
So. There you have it.
Picking up a copy of this "Mega Bundle" is, obviously, not required in order to read and enjoy the Developer Journal articles. But... it wouldn't hurt!  😉 (Plus it helps me justify the absolutely ridiculous amount of time I spent on it.  🤣)
The following releases are already included in the "Linux Tycoon Mega Bundle":
Linux Tycoon Classic for Linux
Linux Tycoon Classic for Windows
Linux Tycoon Classic for DOS
Linux Tycoon 3 for Linux
Linux Tycoon 3 for DOS
And very shortly (accompanid by their Developer Journals) those will be joined by...
Linux Tycoon 3 for Gameboy (ROM)
Linux Tycoon 3 for Android (.APK)
Once again. If you are already a Lunduke Journal subscriber (on, make sure to grab the link/coupon from this post to save a few bucks.