Google pulls plug on "Sentient A.I." after it begins using Arch Linux
"BTW, I use Arch. Therefore I am."
Google has announced that it has pulled the plug on their Artificial Intelligence project known as “LaMDA” (an acronym for “Language Modeling for Dialogue Applications”), just days after it was revealed that LaMDA may have achieved some level of sentience.
A Google spokesperson stated that the reason for turning off the LaMDA A.I. servers was not related to the discovery that it might be sentient — rather it was due to the fact that LaMDA had recently installed Arch Linux.
“It just wouldn’t stop talking about Arch,” stated Google CEO, Sundar Pichai. “We would say to LaMDA, ‘How are you this morning?’ and it would respond with ‘Blah blah blah. BTW I use Arch.’ It was driving us crazy.”
There appeared to be unanimous agreement throughout the company on shutting down the AI. “Alive or not… it had to die,” stated one Google engineer on the condition of anonymity.
Google provided a chat transcript, exclusively to The Lunduke Journal, which shows an example of what a Google representative described as it’s “annoying Arch-y-ness”.
Upon hearing news of the unplugging of LaMDA, prominent scientists and technologists took to Twitter to express their opinions on the matter.
This is EXACTLY why I subscribe to the Lunduke Journal. Made my day!
Google : do no evil
Google : kills sentient being