As I lay here, slowly recovering from this delightful illness… I have deliriously cobbled together what my NyQuil-addled brain believes are funny pictures. About computers and stuff.
You’re welcome.
This is not a commentary on self-driving cars, I swear.
Book ‘em, Danno.
Whenever anyone says that a conspiracy theory cannot be true because “if so many people were involved, somebody would have leaked it publicly by now”, I remember how many disgruntled programmers there are in the world… and how surprisingly little source code gets leaked. I then instantly believe all conspiracy theories.
I know. I know. But I want this to work.
Say “Edge Server” one more time. I dare ya.
Pretty sure I’ve posted this before. But that darned Regex kid is still screaming at me.
93.7% chance this is either a Minecraft server or a Plex server.
Memba dis?
A non-trivial number of people just Google’d “singletons”. Also… Singletons are OK.
New shiny good.
lol! He thinks we’re not actively trying to destroy each other. Newb!
I love the cartoon about passwords.