What follows is a rigorously hand-picked, scientifically perfect page filled with funny pictures about programming and computers and stuff.
You’re welcome.
I like naming simple looping variables things like “floatSystemStatus” or “UEFIStatusCheck”. Just a little gift for whoever inherits my code. It’s an old joke, but a good one. “Virtual machines! Linux?! Discord!?!?! Honey, call the authorities! Little Billy is a hacker!” Grumble, grumble, grumble… Just needs a “refactoring sprint”, that’s all. The joke is that users are stupid. Hey, how’d this one get in here?! One day, it’s all going to come crashing down. And Jerome finds that thought comforting. Seen this in person. Jokes with an NSA booth staffer about it. He seemed cool. </EndOfStory> Yes. Hannah Montana is the ultimate form of Linux. Prove me wrong.