What follows are pictures. Magical Internet pictures. Funny ones. About computers and Linux and programming and stuff. Some of them are based on movies.
You’re welcome.
Now I just want to watch Life of Brian.
Ah. Method actor.
If interview questions are anything to go by, every job is at least 90% “reversing linked lists in C”.
Insanity. There’s only two answers. When naming files: YYYY-MM-DD. All other times: MM-DD-YYYY.
… you just can’t seem to remember how you killed Carl.
This is a real board game. It’s not a joke. I just thought it was awesome.
He’s been “sudo rm -rf /”’d. He saved his co-workers by throwing himself on a fork bomb.
You know what’s even better than a bunch of funny, nerdy pictures? Sharing a bunch of funny, nerdy pictures with people you don’t know on faceless, soulless, social media websites.
But, but, but, here in Europe, we always use DD-MM-YY! It's so good. Why it's bad? It cannot be bad, if it's so good.
That last one ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DYje57V_BY )