DOOM. Rendered with checkboxes. Played on a webpage.
Sometimes the most ridiculous things are the most worth doing.
Andrew Healey, who deserves a serious high five, has built something wonderfully ridiculous.
He took DOOM running in Web Assembly.
Sent the video output of that into Checkboxland — which renders images as a giant grid of HTML checkboxes.
And — shazam — came up with a version of DOOM… rendered entirely in checkboxes.
It looks like this:
This checkbox “resolution” is 160 x 100 — which means that screenshot is made up of 16,000 individual checkboxes. Technically it could have a much higher resolution… but the performance would make it totally unusable.
Andrew talks about how he did it in a blog post… which I highly recommend reading. Because it is utterly, wonderfully ridiculous. I love it.
The performance isn’t stellar… because it has to update 16,000 checkboxes. But it totally works. And it only really works on desktop browsers.
Take it for a spin. Because it’s goofy. And goofy is good.